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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Early heart attack symptoms
Not every heart attack displays the same symptoms. In fact, many people ignore the early signs of a heart attack. Unfortunately, when these early signs are ignored, we miss a "window of opportunity" to prevent the attack before any heart damage can occur. The following signs and symptoms are ones to be aware of in yourself or in your family members: 
·         Shortness of breath without exertion
·         Heartburn or burning in the chest
·         Discomfort or pain
·         Anxiety or a feeling of impending doom

Heart attacks symptoms in women can be different than men

·         Like in men, the most common heart attack symptom for women is pain or discomfort in the chest. However, women can also have a heart attack without having any chest pain. Some of the other symptoms women might experience include:
·         Feeling out of breath
·         Pain that runs along the neck, jaw, or upper back
·         Nausea, vomiting or indigestion
·         Unexplained sweating or dizziness

·         Sudden or overwhelming fatigue

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